Sunday, February 15, 2009

The stigma of mental illness results in a lack of resources.

• On Friday, October 10 is World Day of Mental Health.

• The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Spain is high at around 20-25% of the population.

• The health care effort, both as a means of adequately trained personnel, which is below it as a "pro" to load.

• For every 100,000 inhabitants, in Spain there are 5.5 psychiatrists, while in another EU country there are 15 professionals.

• The rate of suicide mortality adjusted for age and sex of persons suffering from a schizophrenic disorder, is 9 times that of the general population.

• An important factor that affects the use of mental health services is the stigma and discrimination associated.

In Spain, about half a million people suffer from some form of serious mental disorder, however, mental illness is still not well known socially. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Spain is high at around 20-25% of the population.

At present there is widespread concern among patients, families and professionals regarding the need to ensure access to quality care to reduce the heavy burden of suffering and disability associated with mental disorders, therefore, the Spanish Foundation Psychiatric and Mental Health (FEPSM) joins the voices on the occasion of World Day of Mental Health, calling for a sustained and coherent effort to achieve that goal.

Mental disorders as a whole, in Europe are responsible for the greatest burden of disease pathology groups, ahead of cardiovascular disease or cancer. However, the effort of care, both as a means of adequately trained personnel, which is below it as a "pro" to load.

The reasons for this situation which is repeated in many countries, are manifold, ranging from stigma / discrimination associated with this group of disorders until the late introduction of psychiatric care to National Health System as has happened in our country, through suffering cuts on social protection in times of economic crisis.

There is a big difference between the number of professionals for the Mental Health in Spain and one of the most advanced countries of the European Union. Per 100,000 inhabitants, in Spain there are 5.5 psychiatrists, while in another EU country there are 15 professionals. If we attend to the number of nurses, found that in our country there are about 6 compared to 50 other European countries. On the other hand, if we refer to the number of occupational therapists, we find that in Spain with 0.5 per 100,000 population compared to 20 other countries. And finally, if we stop at the number of social workers, we see that while the figures in any of European countries is around 10 in our country we are close to 1.3. (Fuente. - Studio 2001 J. Luis Váquez, a professor at the University of Cantabria)

Interesting Facts

According to the Mental Health Strategy, Ministry of Health and Consumption, 2006, produced in collaboration with andalusia FEPSM, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders is high, 20-25% of the general population as the most rigorously designed epidemiological studies . In Spain it is estimated that half a million people suffer from some form of serious mental disorder. The distribution of prevalence by regional governments is relatively uniform, varying according to the present data between Andalusia and Catalonia 15.71 with 23.68.

Mental disorders are the cause of 10.5% of days lost for temporary disability and about 6.8% of the years of life lost due to permanent disability. The suicide mortality rate adjusted for age and sex of persons suffering from a schizophrenic disorder, is 9 times that of the general population. In major depression, the suicide risk is multiplied by 21, on eating disorders by 33 and 86 for drug addiction.

Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health (FEPSM)

One of the most important in recent years in the health world, has been the growth of mental illness. So all national health systems considered as a mental health emergency needs. In the immediate future, these problems will require greater attention in the planning and provision of social services and health.

In Spain, about half a million people suffer from some form of serious mental disorder, however, mental illness is still not well known socially. In this sense, the Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and Mental Health (FEPSM) aims to contribute to knowledge development and refinement of Psychiatry and Mental Health, as well as their related disciplines, through meetings, publications, scientific events, developing research and other scientific and cultural activity.

This Foundation was created as an initiative of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP) and Spanish Society of Biological Psychiatry (SEPB) to give the general public of an instrument of service to the scientific advancement of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Spain.

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