Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Benign cystic mesothelioma

Benign cystic mesotheliomalar (BCM) nadir
It is a common lesion. Patients in the history of
patogenez and prognosis differ mostly in
thesis is defended. BCM first time in 1979
And is defined by Smith Mennemeyer.
Multikistik peritoneal mesothelioma, peritoneum of the cystic
mesothelioması, multiokuler cysts of the peritoneum,
multikistik mesothelioma and peritoneal multiokuler
inklüzyon kisti
Other names used are
forms olmuştur. Multible, thin-walled, frajil a
structure of the large mass of the abdomen
Preoperative diagnosis is often difficult. Separator
In recognition sarcomas, lymphoma and Non Hodgkin's lymphoma
Just as surgery düşünülmelidir.Tedavi method
at a rate of recurrence has been reported, but there is 50%.
Sıklıklayerleştiğiyerler; over, falloptüpleri, column,
cul de sac and pelvis is the base. Dimensions 0.3 cm and 15
Both are very rare in men with
can be seen in the breed. Usually fertile
are seen in women and 1998 since
Total 130 cases have been reported in English literature.
These are only 19 male patients. Literature
reviewed by the rare, mature men
Besides that, the placement of peritoneal malignant and selim tümöral audience to distinguish the importance
15-year-old male patient with abdominal pain and right lower
was admitted to our clinic because of the sensitivity dial.
Stories, the two-day loss of appetite and nausea vomiting
was available. Physical examination in the right lower quadrant
sensitivity of patients with bowel sounds present
routine, had no defense and rebound. Acute appendicitis front
the patients were diagnosed pancakes. Configuration of examinations
The white sphere is 76% 8800/mm ³ and granulocyte
other routine examinations were normal except for. Configuration
ultrasonography (USG) 'de; ilia vascular structures
The reshuffle of the medial area of the iliopsoas muscle
In the neighborhood of about 57x22x16 mm
In the septasyonları and thin ekojeniteleri
complicated in view of the fluid collection was identified.
And bladder in the neighborhood also trasede ilia
multible lenfadenopatiler (lap) seen. "Perforated
appendicitis? "has been reported as (Figure 1.2). A
In the next report "hydatid cyst?" de
were normal, but multiple appendiks lap.
Observation of the patient, except in the right lower quadrant pain
USG findings and reports be determined because of different patient diagnostic information
has been scheduled for laparaskopi. General anesthesia
six 1 cm below the belly of the camera insizyondan
was entered. Looked at in the right neighborhood pelviste bladder
The cystic structures were observed on multible peritoneum. And other Western bodies Appendiks salim
as was observed. Then right-va left 5mm'lik trokar
After entering the cystic lesions of the lower quadrant
to complete by being perforated with peritoneal
been removed (Picture3). Be done to identify pathological
reported as a result of benign cystic mesothelioma
edildi. Smooth as the first postoperative day the patient
BCM mezotelyumdan from peritoneal
tumoral is a rare occurrence. Etiology of
There is no definite information. Often, early or
the age of fertility is higher for women
seen in male patients but also has been reported.
Connected with malignant Asbestozise a clear mesothelioma
relationship-although, even if it has been reported 2 patients
has not been shown. In the stories of patients often
not the surgical operations, or endometriozis
is an inflammatory event. BCM a reactive
is considered as events and malignant transformation
expected. Metastasis is reported so far
is not.
Abdominal distension and masses in the form of
Discharge is the most common findings. Rare as
karınağrısıilekarşımızaçıkar. Bizimolgumuzdasağ
lower quadrant pain with the present findings, such as a rare
olmuştur. However Tangjitgamol et al. 'T say
not a specific finding as preoperative diagnosis
Anekoik with imaging techniques, low
reported as mass density or cystic hipointense
are. We also as a result USG cystic
characters are defined by the audience. The specific
view of the findings; invasion without mass
Depending on the size of the distortion around the structure
is doing. Abdominal into us, the grapes
as a bunch of thin-walled, fluid-filled interior of the serous
out as the formation of various sizes. Our
Although it is small, white grape olgumuzda
Diagnostic imaging techniques, except in the thin
needle aspiration biopsy has been applied, but non
Except mezotelyal cells specific findings
as a useful means to identify preoperative
It is not.
In the differential diagnosis of cystic Hygroma, endometriozis,
retroperitonu tutan müllerian cyst, cystic adenomatoid
tumors, cystic mezonefrik duktus residues and
formation of benign cystic form endosalpingiozisin
should be considered as pathological in bakılan. As malignant
ise; mesothelioma and peritoneal malignant serous and kicking
Surgical resection is the most effective treatment methods.
Not be removed if the recurrence is often OK.
For this aggressive surgical approach kistoredüktif
with peritonektomi is recommended. We
Because of the small mass limit clean surgery to remove the entire laparaskopik way we did it.
If a second surgical attempt to detect the recurrence
hormonal therapy, intraperitoneal hipertermik
chemotherapy and tetrasiklinle sikleroterapi
is recommended. However, success is variable. Benign
after surgery due to be in natur Adjuvan
As a result, good-natured with a tümöral structure
BCM, preoperative diagnosis is difficult, despite
treatment is possible with resection method.
Cystic appearance must occur in the presence

1. Mennemeyer R, Smith M. Multicystic peritoneal
mesothelioma: A report with electron microscopy of a
case mimicking intraabdominal cystic hygroma
2. Akata D, Arat A, Ozdogan M. Benign cystic
mesothelioma of the peritoneum. Abdom Imaging
3. Tangjitgamol S, Erlichman J, Northrup H, Malpica A,
Wang X, Lee E, et al. Benign multicystic peritoneal
mesothelioma: cases reports in the family with
diverticulosis and literature review. Int J Gynecol
4. O'Neil JD, Ros PR, Storm BL, Buck JL, Wilkinson EJ.
Cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum. Radiology
5. Samson P, Cacala S. Rare case of benign multicystic
peritoneal mesothelioma. A letter. ANZ J Surg 2005;
6. Safioleas MC, Kontzoglou C, Stamakos M,
Glaslakiotis K, Safioleas C, Kostakis A. Benign
multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma:Acase report and
review of the literature.World J Gastroenterol 2006;

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