Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pill and wife celebrate 30 years to grow together.

• Yesterday was inaugurated in Madrid the exhibition "Pill and women 30 years of evolution" that will tour major cities in Spain.

• According to experts, the pill has undergone in recent years a radical transformation and now have fewer side effects and many health benefits.

Yesterday, October 7, 2008 was held in Spain on 30th anniversary of the decriminalization of the contraceptive pill. A date which marked a milestone in the history of women and society of our country, and that somehow symbolized the arrival of a new era of openness and freedom.

Since then, many things have changed for women and society itself, but so has the pill. Now, three decades later, the pill is no longer used only as a contraceptive method, but developments in recent years have focused on meeting additional health needs and welfare of women.

This has been reflected in the "Pill and women: 30 years of evolution" which was presented yesterday at the hands of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the Spanish Society of Contraception and in collaboration with Bayer Schering Pharma. The sample includes the testimonies of 30 women on the pill and its evolution over these 30 years.

According to sociologist Jose M Bleda, "it is striking to see how women have changed in so little time. Its more professional, its growing integration into working life and other facets of development has marked his career in 30 years and has led him to be more demanding and have greater concern for their health, wellbeing and physical appearance .

In these years there has been a substantial change in relation to the pill. Once the efficacy and safety of contraceptives, recent developments have been designed to meet the changing needs of health and welfare of women. In this sense, as the widow of Dr. Esther, Chairman of the SEC and Gynecologist Hospital of Guadalajara, "Reducing the dose of hormone and the incorporation of new progestins increasingly similar to natural progesterone in women has been key to achieving other benefits to health and welfare of women. " Now, the contraceptive pill also has a therapeutic use to reduce symptoms associated with menstruation such as menorrhagia (abundant bleeding) or dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), treatment of acne and seborrhea, or alleviation of symptoms associated andalusia Premenstrual syndrome. Sometimes, these signs have become characteristic of oral contraception or treatment specialists recommend that outside purely contraceptive. This means that over 1,700,000 women choose this method in Spain.

Along with all of them in this presentation has been Mr. Theo van der Loo, Managing Director of Bayer Healthcare in Spain, which now incorporates the company that once was responsible for the introduction of the pill in our country, and which now represents 30 years after the breakthrough and development in this method since, and wanted to support with their presence Sponsored by: In collaboration with: the initiative and show the company's commitment to continue working on improving the health and quality of life of women.

On exposure

The exhibition is based on the personal testimony of 30 Spanish women, of varying age and condition, we have personal experience with the contraceptive pill. Among them we find housewives, students, journalists or gynecologists.

Some of the familiar faces that have given their testimony are actresses Monica Estarreado, or Powdery Ana Carla Hidalgo. The show also has collected the testimony of political or professional recognition by the President of the Spanish Federation of Women Entrepreneurs, Business & Professional (FEMENP), Carmen Sanz Chacon or writer Mariana Jara.

Also the exhibition runs through the development of oral contraception in the last 30 years, so informative and entertaining.

Pill and Women: 30 years of evolution starts today in Madrid, but your first stop for the general public will be in Santiago de Compostela from October 28 to November 1. Other cities that will traverse Bilbao, Sevilla, Valencia and Barcelona. In February revert back to Madrid where he will be a week before its closure. During his trip, the exhibition provides informative host various activities around the oral contraceptive. For the itinerary or further information:

30 years of decriminalization

On October 7, 1978 the courts gave the green light by the Law 45/1978 which approved the decriminalization of the use of the contraceptive pill. Today, 30 years later, the Spanish Association of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) and the Society of Contraception Esañola (SEC), supported by Bayer Shering Pharma, the company which marketed the first pill in our country, and we have held in Madrid with the opening of an exhibition that will tour the Spanish in the coming months.

Although oral contraceptives were being recent past as menstrual regulation, legalization of contraceptive use as the beginning of a new era for millions of Spanish, since that time, had the opportunity to choose when and how to conceive.

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