Saturday, February 14, 2009

The number of men affected by eating disorders.

Currently 8-10% of patients are men, especially youth sports

The Eating Disorders (ED) are increasingly affecting a wide profile of patients. Currently ranging from 10 years young, older people who have symptoms of the disease swept over much of his life and is at maturity when manifested more clearly.

Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders are not exclusive to women. Although the ratio is still there and 9 out of 10 affected women, plus the ever increasing number of men. According to the experience of the Eating Disorders Institute (ITA) the number of men affected by these diseases has increased in recent years, reaching around 8-10% of the total. These figures may vary depending on the clinical picture and age, but in the case of the men remained in anorexia and bulimia this data is even more frequent.

In regard to age, number of patients is higher with fewer years. Thus, between groups of prepubertal between 11-13 years reach a 25-30% incidence of the disease, and 15-20% decrease in 13-14 years.

Eating disorders are also more frequently in certain groups who practice sports of effort such as gymnasts, jockeys, dancers, or skaters.

Changing profile of patients with TCA

In the 10 years history of ITA, 101 boys have passed constituting 5% of the total admitted to the hospital. Has been basically since 2005 that has begun to raise the incidence of these disorders in males and in the last year has led to double the number of patients treated at the Institute.

Eating Disorders in the male

In practice, the symptoms of eating disorders in males is very similar to that of women, but you can highlight the following aspects:
• Men with anorexia are more obsessed than women, with a tendency to intellectualise, perfectionism and rigidity.
• In men allegedly stealing more and more compulsive emotional stress.
• It is more often a history of overweight, both in patient and family, more somatic complaints, more and more psychiatric comorbidity disorders among family members of men
• An important aspect is related to hyperactivity. Has established the presence of hyper-inflated until exhaustion as a mechanism of weight control much more common in men.
• The environment of the ED is related to the cultures, the unbridled passion for fitness, concern for the body to develop muscles and shape the figure.
• love cooking for others, love to make huge and unnecessary purchases of food, collecting cookbooks, the composition of food, calories, forcing others to eat even without wishing to do so, because many hours in the kitchen, etc.
• It has linked the ED in men with sexual identity. Greater proportion of homosexuals. They were more dissatisfied with their shape and weight than heterosexuals and more concerned with the physical layout and appearance.
• "sexual alexithymia: difficulty to feel and express emotions or communicate their feelings on everything that relates to the sexual area.
• Regarding the precipitating stress is at a higher intensity and more.

About ITA

The Eating Disorders Institute (ITA) is a health care network founded in 1998 for treatment, training and investigation of disturbances in eating behavior. This is the main institution at the state level in private care for Eating Disorders (ED). The institution understands that the care of such disorders must encompass not only preventing disease and restoring health, but also the rehabilitation and reintegration into their environment.

ITA offers a variety of healthcare resources to achieve its objectives: inpatient facilities, day hospitals, outpatient and medical floors. This is the first center in Spain in terms of number of beds and patients.

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