Friday, March 27, 2009

In the People's Republic of China Health Management *


Less developed countries can not solve the problems of the health level of the country and everyone take health services. The reason for this failure of the health manpower and the inadequacy of economic power with nutrition, positive environment and relationship education with strict conditions, such as health there is also be changed. People's Republic of China, the least developed countries, such as between 10-15 years in a short time the country's health level is the only country that can bring services to everyone. This is the review of maintenance management and success of China health reasons saptanması is very useful for other less developed countries.

2.Eski China:

Republic of China in the field of health development to evaluate, "Independence" tan (Chinese in China, feudal and capitalist order to put an end to the "Salvation" is also. Western authors found that the incident with the same term to define.) Previous to the recall and to develop general socio - -economic framework to examine the benefits and there is no obligation. China is viewing the authors explained the old China "in China are often drought, floods and disasters such as typhoon, people will starve to death was convicted. Murder for a handful of rice in this period, not to die of hunger, eating human flesh was normal. "Natural disasters in the period to buy food for families sell their children or die. Scarcity periods often seen outside the big epidemic, and as long hiperandemik infection and parasitic diseases in the community would continue to erode. "Opium habit and prostitution in big cities, China's largest of the social and medical problems. In old China, especially the urban mess is indicated by a word: terrible. "Immediately after the liberation in China, in 1950, health services, but in cities and had a very limited extent. Population of 600 million are on the medical service in China including the number of trained health personnel was 32,000. Physician / population ratio was one to 25,000. "

Levels Affecting Health of China to 3.Çağdaş Development Management Policy:

Related to health management and health in China, the important principles of general management are:

a-The first priority should be given to the public the services. This principle is the philosophy of Mao Tse-Tung'un basis. As with all services in the health services is an important principle.

b-discuss and criticize the people in their own services should develop. This policy of the 1920s Mao Tse-Tung and friends have established China's northern province of management Kiangsi'de has not changed since. Chairman Mao, workers and farmers are required to solve their own problems, but to the government's own guidance, and some may make the necessary help.

China Administrators, the role of people in development countries are mentioned in the following way: Information from lethargic to win half of the people must awaken, their power to use them for upgrades and recovery encouraged. If the people in decision-making process takes place, new things to gain the courage to do, be an interest in government affairs, criticized the attempt to find the truth and doing superstitious side at a revolution of society and if the potential leap forward like a volcano explodes.

c-immediately after China's establishment, in 1950, collected the National Health Committee, health management has been identified the following principles:

(1) Workers, peasants and soldiers in the service should be given priority,

(2) should be given priority to the protection,

(3) Western medicine and Chinese medicine for the people must be united,

(4) Public health services should be applied to mass movement.

Implementation services to the mass movement implied, that all the people all the different ways people affect the right of management support and the problem is resolved with the administration of the public. These campaigns "for home health movement" name is given. First of this campaign, to bring the environment into a positive situation in 1952 has launched the campaign. Objectives, cities and villages and drinking water to prevent mixing with the faeces, housefly, mosquitoes, and rats destroy the wood to dry.

d-for each service by itself should be sufficient in China. These principles, particularly in 1966 when the Soviet Union to help China cut and often repeated after withdrawal of technical personnel and a policy has been given much importance.

e-as in all social policy, health policy to achieve success in the implementation of the following three conditions are:

(1) Government organization, applicable policies to understand the people in the unit to the point of contact with the same understanding and knowledge that can spread in nature, should be

(2) Policy for the implementation of the necessary facilities should be provided,

(3) Implementation of the policy community or cultural values should not be contrary to the very values of society in the direction of changing this policy must be provided through training.

f-with people who serve the public should minimize the social distance. These principles, the principles of Chinese managers are very important. People, especially the peasants and the urban-social distance between the two to minimize the application has started "" From down here, "and" Nagorno and rural area to the task to Go "campaign. "From below" campaign, administration officials at high levels for some time further down there are being assigned to jobs away from people trying to prevent managers are derived. Another application of this campaign, while the body shape everyone is making craftsmanship. "" Dağlık and rural area to the task to Go "campaign to finish primary and secondary education of young people who go to rural areas as required and there are at least three years work. At the end of this period, they work with high school students to see the villagers they deem suitable to return to the city and sees higher education. 40 million young people between the years 1955-1965 went to rural areas. The purpose of this campaign, these young people to teach literacy to peasants, agriculture and other services to assist in the development of peasant and urban youth with Chairman Mao's words, by re-educating villagers.

g-city to be the front. China's social policies to facilitate the city is one of prevention. This application is the application of measures for each household over the exact placement saptanması anyone without permission from the government replaced the. Furthermore, those who have migrated to urban villages to return to the rural areas "where he was born and returned to join the production" campaign is being carried out.

h-management should be desantralize. Management is one of the most important principles Desantralizasyon China. 800 million population is 200 people in the work of the Ministry of Health in China, gives a good idea of desantralizasyonun width. How a business being conducted, what will be the standard, including the smallest administrative unit is determined by. Therefore, except for general principles applied in China is impossible to make generalizations about.

i-Bürokratizm should fight. Especially during the 1965 revolution, the culture war against bürokratizme opened. Command to (comandism) to remove and replace "Kollektif Leadership" and "Education and the Order Trust" has been given the importance of the establishment. Collective leadership, a service workers of all persons involved in decisions execution means.

j-priority should be given to rural Bölgeninin the resolution of health problems. Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution in 1965 in this policy assert that is a policy.

k-Population growth must be controlled. According to China's population policy, terms of population growth are identified as acceleration or deceleration. However, the general policy to stabilize China's population has been directed to. Acceleration of population growth and population policy for ethnic minorities in areas where very little is being implemented. Pronatalist population policy is applied, very small proportion compared to antinatalist policy is applied. Reducing population growth policies among the countries of the profit to be China's most successful countries must be specified. Chinese population policies "Late, Seyrek and small as to indicate. "Late" to delay the age of marriage, "Rarely", birth spacing and the extension of the "small", not more than two means have children. The control of fertility on the family has a heavy social pressure. Late marriage has become a fashion. Neighborhood children have more than two women who are dispraise and find it embarrassing. Married women who are going to do and how many children they will bear when they are already designed and discussed with women in the same place when the unit is determined to deliver. Remaining outside of the time pregnant women identify the children are decreasing.

"To save women's" movement also plays an important role in fertility control: women's rescue, the People's Republic of China and a large fastidiousness implementation managers believe is a revolution. Married a girl in the old Chinese culture, and the brother of the father, married woman, her husband and a woman or widow, her son is also used to overpower. A married woman, her husband and the husband or the good of the family do have to accept everything that was bad. Had no right to ask for divorce. First important step in the recognition of women's rights adopted in 1950 the age of marriage. However, the Chinese managers of production and work of women as men participate in housework and taking the equality of the extent of the right to reduce the time to know and you are trying to provide.

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